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Many people naively believe that they know everything about sex and know how to do it. This is not true, Marathahalli escorts say. Even the most notorious womanizer, changing hundreds of partners, sometimes make the most unforgivable mistakes in bed. To improve the “courtship and copulation technique” of ordinary citizens, American sexologists Emma Taylor and LoreleSharqi wrote the book Sexual Etiquette. The most useful tips in this guide publish the British newspaper. Most of the tips are based on surveys of women of different ages.

First kiss

What Escorts in Marathahalli say: When you lean towards a girl to kiss her, it doesn’t have to be like a predator attack. No need to bite the teeth, dig into her lips and bleed.

What to do:

  • Move slower, use the whole set of “French maneuvers”.
  • Do not stick your tongue in the throat of your partner every time you touch her lips with your own.

What not to do:

– After the lips of Independent escorts in Marathahalli have merged into a gentle kiss, you should not immediately try to grab her chest, ass, or get her up under the skirt.

– Also, do not hold the girl’s face with her hands so that she could not escape.

Classic sex

What women say: Call girls in Marathahalli and gentlemen are never in a hurry. They understand that seduction is a dish that is usually savored slowly. “It is always better to engage in sex by candlelight and with good music. The music center must be turned on so loudly as to muffle all physiological sounds.”

What to do:

– Discuss your sexual fantasies and regularly praise your partner during sex.

– Try to extend the prelude to sex, teasing your partner.

What not to do:

  • Do not treat sex as a race.
  • Do not assume that all women excite the same thing.
  • Do not think about anything except sex. Women do not like to sleep with men who during sex think about the last match of Arsenal.
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Etiquette of behavior in case of orgasm

What women say: Modern ladies and gentlemen know that the orgasm of one of the partners is not the end. Treat sex like a three-legged race. Your partner cannot reach the finish line without your help and vice versa.

What to do:

  • Try to bring a woman to at least one orgasm before moving on to sexual intercourse. In women, the pleasure of orgasm lasts longer than that of men, so that she will enjoy sex longer.
  • reconcile with the fact that not all  Bangalore Escorts are able to reach orgasm.
  • groan and sigh when you have an orgasm. Your partner will be pleased.

What not to do:

– do not apply to the efforts to bring a woman to orgasm as hard work. Perseverance and work in this situation will only lead to the fact that she does not get an orgasm.

– Do not pretend to orgasm. Do not need all these fake manifestations of ecstasy.

– Do not be offended if your partner does not finish. Do not call him frigid and hint that “he is not okay with the equipment.”

– Do not laugh at what your partner looks like during an orgasm. You should not make faces and make funny sounds.

Etiquette of behavior after sex

What women say: The ability to cuddle after furious sex is the main difference between people and animals.

What to do:

  • Allow 15 minutes after sex for hugging, tickling and ruffling hair.
  • If you have sex in the evening, then this phase should flow into a healthy sleep.

What not to do:

  • Require that the phase of post-coital tenderness exceed one hour.
  • Kick partner from home. If parents do not have to come to you from minute to minute, and if your house is not surrounded by a fire, your partner should quietly spend the night there.

Sex in unusual places

What Escort services in  Marathahalli say: When you have sex in crowded places, you must take into account the Puritan views and sensitivity of the people who live around you.